Webinars have rapidly grown in popularity and are now used around the world for a variety of different purposes. As many companies have grown in global scale, the use of webinars for connecting with employees in locations around the world has also grown significantly. During webinars, a variety of different tasks may need to be handled. It is not uncommon for the need to arise in which the webinar host needs to hold a vote on various topics. While it might be easy enough in an in-person conference to simply ask for a show of hands; that will not work during a conference call. You need an organized and accurate method for conducting a poll and gathering important feedback. With RHUB web conferencing servers, you gain the ability to take official votes even if you are thousands of miles away from your conference attendees.
The Benefits of Polling
The RHUB polling function offers a full slate of benefits that can be used in different scenarios. By using the polling function, hosts are able to engage or even rejuvenate an audience when their attention may have wandered. You can elect to create polls prior to the conference or you can create them during the session as needed. Following the end of the poll, hosts can decide whether they wish to show the results of the poll right away or whether they prefer to reveal the results at a later point during the webinar. The host does handle the management of the poll, but he or she does not need to be present for the poll to be launched. In fact, RHUB web conferencing servers allow the poll to be sent throughout the online conference as a way of taking votes on issues, suggestions, or even when you would find it beneficial to gain insight into the conference participants.
Polling can be conducted in a variety of different ways. For instance, if you like, you can post multiple-choice questions to each attendee and then collect the feedback. You also retain the option to edit the polling questions so that you can ask any type of question. Conference attendees can even choose from among different samples and vote on the one that they like best using the polling system.
Additionally, voting sessions do not need to take a lot of time away from your webinar. They can be conducted quickly and easily while still providing conference hosts with a great tool for obtaining feedback that can be used for decision making purposes. Polling can also prove to be useful for finding ways in which you can improve the content of your future meetings. As is the case with any type of voting or polling scenario, the larger the polling sample, the more accurate the results.
If you are not currently a RHUB customer and are interested in bringing in an appliance-based solution to benefit your business, contact us at rhub@collaboration-technologies.co.uk or call us at +44 (0)1925 65 95 23. We will be happy to assist you with making an informed decision regarding how your firm can take advantage of RHUB.
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